Friday 6 February 2009

if our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed. Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea.

1 month and 25 days til im sixteen. Until im legal.. ;).. Until i can buy a lottery ticket. Until i can get a job and have money!.

Thought today was giong to be a good day today, because it was really sunny and pretty outside. But it turned out to be pretty shit. I have very little money and everythings always a fight and a fucking moan. Mmm spose PE was ok, me and Dean listened to his iPod. Tomorrow, i'm supposed to be going to Roberts and going to the music room for band practise.

Just trying to figure out who actually gives 2 shits about me. Well i mean noone asks me to go out and to hang about with them. Noone thinks of me as there bestfriend or someone they can trust their life with. To be quite honest im probably more trustworthy than all they folk you claim are "Trustworthy". And if im as important as you say i am fucking show it then ae. You never fucking tell me when something is wrong. Does that mean you couldnt give two flying fucks hmm??!?

Chelbows you need to get a fucking grip , me and Nioma aren't pathetic you are. For thinking people who don't even fucking know you saying they hate you. I QUITE CLEARLY BLOODY DIDNY HEN.

matty your hair is lovely flat, you should do it that way more often. :]

Stace xox

1 comment:

deleted said...

Haw Bitch

Im Yer Best Friend ;D

5 Days A Week,

Then Yer Roberts :L

Scene Dean[H]